Visit Saint Petersburg with Me!
Illustrated by Arianna Operamolla.
Join Ivan in the beautiful Russian city of Saint Petersburg.
You’ll discover that there’s lots to see and do and special places to visit for good luck. You’ll also learn about Ivan and how he spends his day.
Verb Tenses
Present Simple / Present Continuous, Past Simple / Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Will for future reference, Present/Past simple passive
Verbs + infinitive /Verbs + ing
Can /could, Must / Should
Imperatives, Comparative form of adjectives
Family | Daily life | City sights
Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Real Life
ISBN: 9788853626325
Книгата включва:
– Игри и занимателни упражнения
– Картинен речни
– Автентични фотографии
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