My Summer in China + audio MP3

20.70 лв.

Адаптирана книга на китайски език за възрастни и тийнейджъри, ниво 2. 400 основни думи. Аудио диск. 64 стр.


В наличност (може да бъде поръчан и преди запълване на наличност)

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 70 лв.

My Summer in China

Wong Hocheng – Micol Biondi

Xinxin is a Chinese girl who lives in Italy. When school finishes for the summer holidays, she travels to Shanghai to spend the holidays with her paternal grandparents. Divided by two cultures, every day Xinxin observes, listens, ‘tastes’ and explores a world that she only partly understands.

An unforgettable summer in China will let Xinxin rediscover and be amazed by her country of origin.

In this reader you will find:
– Grammar structures and vocabulary in accordance with the HSK2 standard.
– Glossary with pronunciation and translation.
– Text without Pinyin to promote authentic reading.
– Comprehension and grammar revision activities.
– Fact-files with further information about Chinese culture.
– Audio CD with the complete reading of the text, available in two speeds.

ISBN: 9788853624550

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Допълнителна информация

Тегло 0.130 кг

Деца, Тийнейджъри, Възрастни




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