Jane Cadwallader
Maxi’s Adventures
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.
Rumbledumble’s greatest loves are: Anna and the other children, his garden and his little dog Maxi.
When Maxi gets lost Rumbledumble and the children search everywhere for him. But Maxi is far away in another, very different, world. Will Maxi get back? Will Rumbledumble find him? This is a story about the loyalty between a man and his dog, about determination and about how help is not all one way. sometimes children can help adults too! It’s also about being kind to a stranger …Even when that stranger is a little dog!
Vocabulary areas
transport, sports and leisure, places and directions
Grammar and structures
Present simple
Present continuous
Prepositions of place
Verb + Infinitive
Can / Can’t for ability and possibility
There is / There are
Using initiative | Kindness to strangers | Supporting friends
Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original
ISBN: 9788853626233
Книгата включва:
– Игри и занимателни упражнения
– Картинен речник
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