George Eliot
The Mill on the Floss
Illustrated by Lorenzo Conti
She was looking for a key to understand. Then she could deal with the heavy weight that had fallen on her young heart.
Maggie is a curious girl. She asks many questions. And she wants some answers. What do people mean when they say she is too intelligent? When can she go to school like her brother? Why is a girl’s hair so important? As she gets older her questions change but her curiosity remains just as strong. Walk with Maggie and read her story to find out if she gets some answers to these questions.
Verbs: Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous – Conditionals – Future Continuous – Future Perfect – Modal Perfects (Must have, Could have etc.) – Non-defining and defining relative clauses – Would and Used to for past
In this Reader you will find:
Background information about this novel | A short biography of the author, George Eliot | Culture and society in 1860s England | Glossary of difficult words | Comprehension and grammar activities | Final test
Family | Love | Society
STAGE 4 Upper Intermediate | 1800 headwords | B2 | First (FCE) | Classic
ISBN: 9788853623195
2018 Awards
Judge’s comment: A poetic and impressive retelling of an old classic. A well written and easy to follow text with a bounty of social, cultural and temporal information that L2 readers would find informative and fairly entertaining. The activities seem well proportioned to the overall text, and offer the learner some valuable opportunity to think deeply about the text as well as beyond the text itself. The color illustrations are simple, yet reasonably appealing for a 21st-century reader.
В тази книга ще откриете:
-Информация за автора.
– Предистория и исторически контекст.
– Кратък речник на непознатите думи на всяка страница.
– Упражнения, свързани с текста
– Аудиозапис на историята достъпно онлайн наwww.eligradedreaders.comили чрезприложениетоELI LINK App.Инсталирайте на Вашия таблет или телефон и се възползвайте от всички аудио,видео и допълнителни материали. Можете да го намерите вGoogle Play и AppStore.
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