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Всяка основна статия съдържа листове с умения, които ви помагат да приложите темите към всяка научна дисциплина, включително биология, химия, физика и наука за Земята. Кариерни профили, иновации в технологиите и статии за чудесата в инженерството ви помагат да интегрирате безпроблемно списанието във вашите уроци.
September 1, 2014
DRONES IN YOUR FUTURE How scientists are putting flying robots to work for you
September 15, 2014
CRISPY KILLERS? Scientists have found yet another reason why you should steer clear of french fries-especially the crunchy ones
October 6, 2014
Special Engineering
BUGGED BY SOMETHING? Engineer a solution! Get inspiration from kids who built abedbug trap and more
October 27, 2014
MIND CONTROL Can scientists use light to treat devastating brain disorders?
November 17, 2014
Earth science
DESTINATION COMET Scientists try to land a probe on a space rock-but can they do it?
December 8, 2014
CAN WE WIN? A doctor’s account of the battle against Ebola in Africa
January 12, 2015
GORILLA DOCTORS Saving a species, one patient at a time
February 2, 2015
ROBO RESCUER Could this robot someday save you in an emergency?
March 2, 2015
PORKY PETS Owners of exotic pets may get a lot more than they bargained for
March 23, 2015
RISKY PITCH Baseball injuries are on the rise. A common pitching style is one big reason.
April 13, 2015
WILDLIFE CRISIS Are we headed for a mass extinction – like the one that killed off the dinosaurs?
May 4, 2015
REALITY CHECK Are the dinosaurs of Jurassic World more fact or fiction?
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