Jane Cadwallader
School Detectives
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali.
This story tells the adventure of two children.
One is studious and interested in all scientific things. The other is energetic and sporty. Although they live next door to each other and go to the same school, they never speak… until one day something changes all that. Kim and Tony learn to appreciate each other’s skills and to bring these together to prevent a crime. Children learn through them that critical thinking and collaboration can solve problems and that you don’thave to be the same to be friends.
Vocabulary areas
school, hobbies, body parts, feelings
Grammar and structures
Present simple
Present continuous
There is / There are
Possessive ‘s
Respecting and appreciating differences | Initiative and inventiveness | Right and wrong
Stage 2 200 headwords | A1 | Starters/Movers | Original
ISBN: 9788853626219
Книгата включва:
– Игри и занимателни упражнения
– Картинен речник
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