Mrs Dalloway + audio MP3

23.60 лв.

Адаптирана книга на английски език за ниво C1 с aудио, достъпно за сваляне онлайн в MP3 формат. 144 стр. цветна

В наличност (може да бъде поръчан и преди запълване на наличност)

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 70 лв.

Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway
Adaptation and activities by Richard J. Larkham.
Illustrated by Antonio Marinoni

Audiobook Listening Sample:

Mrs Dalloway is a novel that details a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway in post-World War I. It is one of Woolf’s best-known novels.

London 1923. The First World War has been over for five years, but the effects are still being felt all round the metropolis. A socialite and politician’s wife prepares for one of her famous parties while somewhere else in the city an old friend contemplates the pain of past and present love, a war veteran struggles with his inner demons, and other characters live out the uncertainties and dramas of post-war English society. All touch each other in some way with their actions, directly or obliquely.

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Тийнейджъри, Възрастни




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