‘When you have a problem and you don’t know what to do. Just stop a moment and look around you. You might think your problem is as big as a house. But in fact it might be as small as a … MOUSE!’
In this detective story our reluctant hero Harry has to try to solve some break-ins at the police station. Who is breaking into the police station? And why? Harry and his detective friends go on an adventure to discover the dark secret of a famous magician, but they get too close! Will Harry be able to rescue his friends? Will he be able to solve the puzzle?
Граматика и граматически структури:
Past simple
Past continuous
Present perfect
Going to …
Might / Should
Giving directions
If … will (1st conditional)
So / after (conjunctions)
– Транспорт
– Храна
– Чувства
– Описание на външен вид
Книгата включва:
– Игри и занимателни упражнения
– Картинен речник
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