Doruk’s Cats – Through the Streets of Istanbul + audio MP3

17.40 лв.

За най-малките: СТЪПКА 4: НИВО – А2, 400 основни думи, с Аудио достъпно за сваляне онлайн в MP3 формат, 14,8×21 cm, 32 страници

В наличност (може да бъде поръчан и преди запълване на наличност)

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 70 лв.

Toros Öztürk
Doruk’s Cats – Through the Streets of Istanbul
Illustrated by Arianna Operamolla

Doruk, a ten-year-old Turkish boy, loves cats and wants to have a nice cat.
He listens to Aunt Banu’s advice and starts looking for a cat in Istanbul streets. His nice journey is very exciting. He learns some stories about the historical places in Istanbul. He learns a lot about cats, too. Will he find a cat he likes? Where will a nice cat “choose him”? Join Doruk’s journey full of surprises in Istanbul.

Places, food and Turkish food
Grammar and structures
Present &. Past simple (regular, irregular verbs)
Present &. Past progressive (continuous)
Present perfect simple
Future with will /going to
I’d like
Imperatives (positive)
Verb + ing / infi nitive
Comparative of
Modals can, must, should

Art and History | Places | Story telling | Friendship

Stage 4 400 headwords | A2 | Flyers | Real Life
ISBN: 9788853626332

Книгата включва:

– Игри и занимателни упражнения

– Картинен речник

– Аудиозапис на историята достъпни онлайн наwww.eligradedreaders.comили чрезприложениетоELI LINK App.Инсталирайте на Вашия таблет или телефон и се възползвайте от всички аудио,видео и допълнителни материали. Можете да го намерите вGoogle Play и AppStore.

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