‘After a long, sweaty and exhausting climb the team reaches the eastern peak of Ben Nevis. But a surprise is waiting for them when they reach the top…’
Young professor Peng is looking for archaeology enthusiasts to help her in the search for the lost city of Karminia. Are you ready to follow her and her friends in this fascinating adventure? On the summit of Ben Nevis, in the Scottish highlands, an ancient city is hidden away. It can only be revealed in the sunlight. Three youngsters who are passionate about archaeology are going to discover the mysterious Karminia.
– Приключения
-Древни цивилизации
– Приятелство
– Технологии
Notions and concepts
Asking for information, Expressing surprise, Giving instructions, Making arrangements, Making deductions, Making predictions, Making suggestions, Offering to do something, Summarising
Adverbs, Adjectives,Conditionals, Gerunds,Infinitives, Linking words, Phrasal verbs, Question tags,Verb tenses
В тази книга ще откриете:
– Кратка информация за автора и произведението
– Рубриката ‘ Фокусирай се върху… ‘
– Упражнения за разбиране
– Упражнения за изпита РЕТ
– Едноезичен речник с непознатите думи
– Самотестуване
– Аудио на историята, достъпно онлайн на www.eligradedreaders.com или чрез приложението ELI LINK App. Инсталирайте на Вашия таблет или телефон и се възползвайте от всички аудио, видео и допълнителни материали. Можете да го намерите в Google Play и AppStore.
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