
A Family Affair

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Поредицата ELI Classics представя класически заглавия от англоезичната литература. Ниво Intermediate. Автор: Марк Твен.

В наличност

Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 70 лв.

Сборникът е посветен на проблемите във взаимоотношенията между мъжете и жените, представени от разказите:

– Откъси от Adam’s Diary/Mark Twain

– Откъси от Eve’s Diary/Mark Twain

Поредицата ‘ ELI Classics ‘ представя класически заглавия от англоезичната литература. Книгите са адаптирани по нива, което позволява да подберете най-подходящата книга.


Всяка книга съдържа: тематично подбрани адаптирани текстове, биографична информация за авторите, упражнения преди и след текстовете, анализ на текста и едноезичен речник с предполагаемите непознати думи за съответното ниво

The imaginary diaries of our biblical ancestors, Adam and Eve, examine an ever-recurring theme in literature, the relationship between men and women.

The great American writer Mark Twain uses both humour and insight in his portrait of two sexes, highlighting their similarities and differences. The book examines their dependency on each other and their mutual attraction that, despite all disagreements, ensures the survival of the species and perpetuates the mystery of love.

The diaries are complete and unabridged and suitable for intermediate learners and above. Some biographical notes on the author precede the text. Each diary is fully annotated and a wide selection of while-reading activities, presented parallel to the text, develop understanding and appreciation without interrupting the reading process.

The reader’s response section at the end of each diary allows you to focus on your reaction to and interpretation of the text in a personal and creative way, while the worksheets encourage a more detailed analysis of the book as well as suggesting a series of follow-up activities and projects.

Once you have finished both diaries, a final worksheet allows you to compare and contrast the two versions and a concluding project gives pointers for you to extend the themes dealt with to more general issues in your daily life.

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Тийнейджъри, Възрастни


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